
Dark mode:

Game Grid Size:

10 x 20

Game Level:


Tetris Brick Rotation:

Left Handed Mode:


Welcome to Brick Game

Game Instructions

Game Navigation

Mobile Devices:

  • Pause the Game: Touch the game area once to pause the game. When paused, the regular game controls will be replaced by three buttons: Resume, Reset, and Close.
  • Resume the Game: Touch the Resume button to continue playing.
  • Reset the Game: Touch the Reset button to start a new game.
  • Close the Game: Touch the Close button to exit the game.

Desktop Devices:

  • Pause/Resume the Game: Press the Escape key on your keyboard to pause or resume the game.

Mobile Landscape Mode & Desktop:

  • The Resume, Reset, and Close buttons are always visible.

Game Controls

Tetris and Tetris Extra

Mobile Devices:
  • Move Left/Right/Down: Use the on-screen arrow buttons to move the pieces left, right or down.
  • Rotate Piece: Use the on-screen rotate button to rotate the pieces.
  • Continuous Movement: Long press the arrow buttons for continuous movement in the desired direction.
Desktop Devices:
  • Move Left/Right/Down: Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the pieces left, right or down.
  • Rotate Piece: Use the up arrow key to rotate the pieces.
  • Continuous Movement: Long press the arrow keys for continuous movement in the desired direction.


Mobile Devices:
  • Move Up/Down/Left/Right: Use the on-screen arrow buttons to move the snake in the desired direction.
Desktop Devices:
  • Move Up/Down/Left/Right: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the snake in the desired direction.

Enjoy playing Tetris, Tetris Extra, and Snake!


Score: 0

Level: 0

Lines: 0

High Scores

Score: 0

Cleared lines: 0

Player Score Game Date